Activities to Keep Kids Busy While You’re Working From Home

Activities to Keep Kids Busy While You’re Working From Home

Finding suitable activities for your children to engage in while attempting to complete your own job can be challenging while working from home with children present.

It can be difficult to try to work at the same time as caring for children and keeping them occupied all day, as this is a full-time job in and of itself. It is, however, very doable with a solid routine in place and a few things in your toolbox.

Listed below is our advice on working from home while having children.

5 Ways to Keep Your Kids Busy While Working From Home

Planning ahead and organization might help you avoid some of the craziness that comes with working from home when the kids are there. A broad pattern is beneficial for everyone, according to many parents, but do what your family needs. Recognize that schedule changes are inevitable and that it’s okay to veer off course occasionally. Toys and craft materials should be kept as organized as you can to make them simple to find and put away.

If at all possible, set apart specific areas or rooms for specific uses. For instance, set aside a space for toys, a calm room for reading, and a workstation stocked with painting equipment.

When you have multiple kids who have various interests, this is extremely useful. Your day will probably go a little more easily if you can pre-plan some activities. Decide on a few activities for the following day and make sure you have all the necessary supplies.

Try to enjoy the extra time spent with your family while setting appropriate ambitions and expectations for them.

To start, try these Five activities to keep your kids entertained and busy while you work.

1.Playful Imagination and Toys

One of the simplest methods to keep your kids entertained at home is to have a ton of age-appropriate toys available. You probably already have a lot of toys, but having them organized and convenient to use when working from home is even more crucial.

You could wish to store some toys in designated bins and rotate or cycle through the toys that are always out.

This keeps messes under control and minimizes boredom because the children see the rotated-in toys as being new and exciting. Encourage imaginative play by having the children role-play in places like a store, restaurant, or school, and provide toys and items that encourage this kind of play.

For larger projects and free play activities that will keep youngsters occupied for longer periods of time, construction kits like LEGOwooden building blocks, Erector sets, K’nex, and many others are wonderful. To keep children focused, assign them particular tasks like creating a house, city, or robot. Consider playing board games and other toys that are both tough and entertaining.

2.Audiobooks, eBooks, and books

Children that are older can easily amuse themselves by reading aloud. Select books that will retain your child’s interest and are suitable for their age and reading ability in advance. Even young children who are unable to read aloud to themselves can enjoy flicking through picture books, and most of the time they can understand the majority of the plot from the illustrations alone.

Children’s books are also available with audiobook CDs so they may listen and follow along. You can simply download audiobooks and ebooks from home by visiting the website of your neighborhood library. Some could even have recordings of storytimes at libraries that your younger kids can watch at home.

3.Arts and Crafts Projects

Kids enjoy making things, so art projects can keep them occupied while you work from home. Have some basic art items on hand, including colouring books, play dough, crayons, markers, and construction paper. Try finger paints, stamps, and stickers as well for the young artists. Include collage, drawing, painting, and cut-and-paste activities as your children’s motor skills and artistic ability grow. For practice, older kids may enjoy reading books or taking online lessons that teach drawing or painting.

Try some of these fun art and craft activities for kids to do while you work from home:

 Painted rocks: Kids of all ages love to go rock searching outside and decorate their finds! Make pet rocks by adding googly eyes, or have older children paint the rock in the shape they believe it most closely resembles, such as a tree, flower, or turtle. The rocks can also be heated and coloured using crayons. When the crayons come in contact with the rock, they will melt and provide a cool painted effect. Before you decorate the rocks, just be sure you wash them.

Textile crafts: Younger children can practice their basic sewing techniques by using “sewing cards” made of plastic or cardboard with pre-punched holes, a plastic or blunt needle, and yarn. Older children can experiment with a real needle and thread, an embroidery kit, or online tutorials for various patterns and stitches. Kids can construct fleece tie blankets or learn basic knitting and weaving skills.

Homemade board games: Children who have played a lot of board games and are more advanced will like this exercise. Allow kids to create their own board game by setting out a sizable piece of cardboard and some sturdy paper. Have them pick a theme, create the game board, locate the playing pieces or tokens, and write up the rules before letting them play their creation when they’re done.

4.Educational Apps and Websites

Your child can play instructive games online if you have an extra computer or tablet. There are websites and apps for a wide range of school subjects and for all age groups. Many of these instructional websites make learning enjoyable so that children can experience it as gaming while honing their reading and math skills.

You can also search online for virtual museum tours or opera, theater, and orchestra concerts. For kids to learn about their environment, stream a video about wildlife, plants, or national parks. Find more educational videos that show youngsters how things are manufactured, such as how crayons are made or how cars function. Just bear in mind that time restrictions should be set even when screen time is instructional to prevent children from spending the entire day glued to a device. Before beginning, make sure your children are aware of the rules.

5.Exercise Videos

Have the kids watch a workout video if they need to expend some extra energy but you are unable to take them outside to play right away. If you search online, you can find a huge selection of videos that are especially made for kids, many of which are free. Try kid’s yoga courses, dance, and other activities. Kids will like these quick videos because they frequently contain themes with well-known songs and entertaining movies. Alternately, just play the kids’ favorite peppy music and let them host their own dance party.


These 5 activities can keep your kids happy and entertained while you work from home. Don’t forget to print the checklist so your kids may decide for themselves what they want to try while Mom is at work. Your children are undoubtedly one of the key reasons you put in such a lot of effort. By implementing these working from home tips, you may maximize your allotted work time.